Thunder Mountain Bike Park COVID-19 Operations Guidelines

Thunder Mountain Bike Park is excited to welcome you back! We feel outdoor recreation is an important component to living a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle, and we are committed to getting you outside to do the things you love during our new reality of battling COVID-19. While we cannot erase the risk, we are implementing measures to reduce it. As we continue on into Phase 3, please make sure to read this statement and check our website and social media pages before visiting for the latest updates and information, as we can change our policies at any time.

COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures

If you are feeling sick or have been exposed to someone who is feeling sick or has recently tested positive for COVID-19, please stay home. If you cannot follow and comply with these guidelines, please stay home.

Social Distancing should be observed at all times while on Berkshire East property.


  • Lift Tickets are currently limited, so we recommend you purchase online in advance. If you currently have a RFID card, please register and reload your card online.
  • Season Passes should be bought online in advance. Season Pass holders do not need to reserve for the day. Got your pass? Proceed directly to lift.
  • RFID lift ticket and season pass cards can be picked-up at Customer Service in our Main Lodge or at our outside Ticket Window.
  • Please complete your bike park online waiver when purchasing your ticket or pass.
  • Ensure at least 6 feet of social distancing at all times while in line by standing at the distancing markers.

Parking and Camping:

  • Please park with enough space to allow social distancing with those cars around you. A parking attendant may direct you on where to park.
  • Tailgating is prohibited. Social distancing must be observed when congregating in groups.
  • Overnight parking is prohibited.
  • Camping is now open. Spaces are limited, so reservations are required. Call 413-339-6618 or go online to book your site now.


  • Masks are recommended in buildings, while in the lift line, and when getting off the lift.Full-face helmets do not count.
  • Social distancing of least 6 feet must be observed while in the lift line and on trails.
  • Ride lifts alone or with your family and friends.
  • Maintain extra distance while riding. At least 25 feet (8 meters) is recommended.
  • Plan your ride – avoid stopping or congregating in congested areas.
  • Utilize hand sanitizer located at the top and bottom of lift. Disinfectant wipes will also be available at the bottom of the lift to wipe down the chair and safety bar.

Bike Shop and Customer Services:

  • The Bike Repair Shop and sales of hard goods will be located in the basement of the Main Lodge. All sales are final. Capacity in the shop will be limited.
  • Bike Rentals will be available on the main floor of the Main Lodge. Rentals must be reserved in advance either online or over the phone; rentals will be set up in advance and available for curb-side pickup.
  • Bike Shop Retail will be open in the Bike Rental Shop and will offer apparel and soft goods. Capacity in the shop limited.
  • Lessons will be available by reservation and limited to reservation groups. Please call to inquire or book a reservation.
  • The Bike Wash station will be available.
  • There will be a public tool and hand pump station outside rentals. Please disinfect tools after use.
  • Restrooms will be available in our Main Lodge.
  • Masks are recommended while inside all buildings, at outside ticket windows.