Weather - Mostly cloudy skies throughout the day. High temperature of 28 degrees and winds around 5-10 mph.
Surface Conditions - Groomed; hard packed; icy in spots.
Snowmaking - Is underway on some trails.
Trail Status - 24 trails are expected to be open today.
Night Skiing - Is available on Wednesdays from 4-8pm and Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 4-9pm.
The Crazy Horse Bar & Grill - Open 12-9pm on Thursday.
Live Music - Friday with Jefferson Hamer from 6:30-9pm. Saturday with RJ McCarty + his band from 3-6pm, and Sunday with James Blonde from 3-7pm.
As a reminder, Uphill Travel is CLOSED when the resort is closed. Please review our Uphill Policy here.