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Alpine Racing



The Berkshire East Ski Racing programs are designed to provide a natural progression for kids to develop and master their skiing skills through the exciting sport of ski racing while having fun and building friendships. Regardless of how far children take their competitive ski racing careers, these programs are designed to help them maximize their enjoyment of skiing with friends and family for a lifetime.



This program is designed for young kids who have an interest in developing their fundamental skiing skills and want to have a blast ripping around the mountain with other like-minded skiers. Kids are grouped together based on a combination of age (social maturity/compatibility) and skill level considerations. Kids in the Devo Program will concentrate, first and foremost, on focused freeskiing and drills designed to address balance, agility, edging, and rotary skills. Some devo kids will eventually progress further through the Race Program pipeline, graduating to Interclub or USSA racing as U12 or U14, while others will simply enjoy the Devo experience itself and use it to become better all-around skiers.


Must be able to load the lift independently, and must be able to ski the whole mountain comfortably.


The Devo program takes place exclusively on Saturdays beginning in mid-December and continuing through a total of 10 sessions. During the first session, all kids are evaluated and grouped according to age, skill assessment, free-skiing, coach-ability, and attitude. For the most part, kids should expect to remain with the same group and the same coach for the duration of the program. Each day, activity begins at 9:30am and ends at 2:30pm, with a break for lunch at 11:30am. Please check back for official starting dates.


Kids will get a taste of racing through occasional timed trials in a Giant Slalom course where they can put their skills to the test and experience friendly competition among their peers. All competitions will be on site at Berkshire East during regularly scheduled activity. No race registration is required.

  • AGE





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As of September 1st

As of October 1st

As of November 1st




*Lift passes are not included in the program fee.



    A conditionally refundable deposit of $50 per family is required. If a family supports Berkshire East-hosted events at least two times during the season, the deposit is refundable. This support may take the form of gatekeeping, back-up timing, writing times on the scoreboard, registration support, etc. Berkshire East typically offers incentives to parents who volunteer, such as lift ticket vouchers, mountain coaster tokens, etc.


    Devo parent membership in the Parents Association (BESTPA) is optional. The BESTPA mission is to support the events and activities of the Berkshire East Ski Team in ways agreed upon with the director of the racing program. While not required, joining this association as a Devo parent is a wonderful way to plug into our racing community, learn some of the ins and outs of the sport from veteran families and experienced ski racing parents, and help support some of the great events we host here at Berkshire East.  Note: In the interest of providing safe, fun, and productive experiences, all training and racing activity is subject to cooperative weather and snow conditions. 



Interclub is a race series run through Tri-State with races across Western Massachusetts. This program is designed for young kids who have typically completed at least a season or two (or more) of the Devo program, are ready to step up their skills, and who really enjoy the element of competition. The time commitment is greater than that for Devo, and while most activity remains at Berkshire East, families will be expected to bring their children to a handful of races at other mountains where the kids can test themselves against peers from other programs in Western Massachusetts. While the Interclub program is, by its very nature, an exciting introduction for a youngster to the world of ski racing, the heavy emphasis remains on focused free-skiing and drills to further develop balance, agility, edging, rotary skills, and fun!


There is no strict time-in-grade type prerequisite. Each child’s eligibility and fit with the Interclub program will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In general, most of these kids have typically completed at least a season or two (or more) of the Devo program. More important is the skill, interest, and attitude of the kid and the commitment of the family. 


Training for this program is primarily on weekends beginning in mid-December. A typical training day begins at 9:00am and ends at 2:30pm, with a lunch break around 11:30am. Athletes and coaches work together to develop mutual trust and respect. Athletes are expected to ask questions when they don’t understand or need clarification. Athletes are expected to keep coaches informed of any issues that may impact training or racing performance (e.g. homework, injury, lack of sleep, appointments and other obligations, etc.). It is the combined responsibility of coaches and athletes to make the most of each day out on the hill. Please check back for official starting dates.

Training does not necessarily imply gates

For Interclub, the majority of training, in fact, will not be in gates. Training activity may include gates, fitness, video review, focused freeskiing, drills, powder skiing, glades, etc., at the discretion of the coaches.


Interclub kids compete in a handful of races at other mountains where they can test themselves against peers from other programs in Western Massachusetts. Most of the races are Giant Slalom. Families are responsible for registering their athletes for competitions. Based upon regular season results, the very top performers from the Interclub League may be invited to the Massachusetts Piche Qualifier, an event used to select a team to represent Massachusetts at the Piche Invitational race at Gunstock, New Hampshire in March. 


USSA (U.S. Ski & Snowboard), TSASRA (“Tri-state” or Tri-State Alpine Ski Racing Association). Both memberships are required before participating in an Interclub race.

When registering with USSA, the athlete must designate Berkshire East Ski Team (BEST) as their program. Tri-state Membership will be processed automatically as a part of the USSA process.

  • AGE

    U10: A child who is 9 or younger as of December 31, of the year in question
    U12: A child who is 11 or younger as of December 31, of the year in question


    Must be comfortable skiing all trails. Family ready for travel ski racing.


    USSSA and Tri-State


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As of September 1st

As of October 1st

As of November 1st




*Lift passes are not included in the program fee.



    A conditionally refundable deposit of $50 per family is required. If a family supports Berkshire East-hosted events at least two times during the season, the deposit is refundable. This support may take the form of gatekeeping, back-up timing, writing times on the scoreboard, registration support, etc. Berkshire East typically offers incentives to parents who volunteer, such as lift ticket vouchers, mountain coaster tokens, etc.


    Interclub parent membership in the Parents Association (BESTPA) is required. The BESTPA mission is to support the events and activities of the Berkshire East Ski Team in ways agreed upon with the director of the racing program. Joining this association is a wonderful way to plug into our racing community, learn some of the ins and outs of the sport from veteran families and experienced ski racing parents, and help support some of the great events we host here at Berkshire East.

    Note: In the interest of providing safe, fun, and productive experiences, all training and racing activity is subject to cooperative weather and snow conditions. 



This program is for kids who are interested and ready to commit to a more intense competitive program. The focus absolutely remains on having fun and developing fundamental skills. However, the level of competition kids will face in this league is decidedly greater than that of Interclub. As participants in this Tri-state series, kids are now part of the national talent development pipeline. As U12s and U14s in this program, our kids will begin to become eligible for training and racing selection and opportunities at a regional and national level.

While we encourage the drive to compete, to improve, and to win, we discourage premature focus on results and elite performance ambitions; more often than not, that approach backfires. If your child shows special promise, we nurture it but stay sober about it. As parents, it’s easy to get excited about the Olympic podium potential of a fast 12-year-old, but at that age (well, at all ages, really), it’s critical to keep it fun!

Our coaches focus first and foremost on improving our young athletes’ technique in short and medium radius carved turns. They will also be exposed to a variety of snow conditions and mixed terrain so that they can further develop an ability to be athletic, dynamic, and make tactical adjustments. Training includes freeskiing all over the mountain in every possible condition, drills to isolate and improve specific skills, and SL and GS gates. Physical conditioning and mental training are also introduced as ways to become better skiers and faster racers.


While it is not a prerequisite, most of these athletes have participated in our Devo and/or Interclub Programs, or they may have previous experience as a member of another program at another mountain. Ultimately, each child’s eligibility and fit with the USSA Program for U12s and U14s will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Training for this program is primarily on weekends, typically beginning approximately mid-December. During the week between Christmas and New Year’s, we typically offer additional training opportunities to team members. We also typically offer additional training opportunities during the Massachusetts public school holiday period in February.

A typical training day begins at 8:30am. Athletes are expected to help coaches set up and take down courses (only as directed). Athletes are also expected to perform routine stretching and warm-up activities before running a course. Practice usually wraps up at 3:00pm.

Athletes and coaches work together to develop mutual trust and respect. Athletes are expected to ask questions when they don’t understand or need clarification. Athletes are expected to keep coaches informed of any issues that may impact training or racing performance (e.g. homework, injury, lack of sleep, appointments and other obligations, etc.). It is the combined responsibility of coaches and athletes to make the most of each day out on the hill.

Training does not necessarily imply gates

Training activity may involve gates, fitness, video review, focused freeskiing, drills, powder skiing, glades, etc., at the discretion of the coaches.


Most athletes in this program compete in regular season USSA races in the Tri-state region. Most of these races are Slalom (SL) or Giant Slalom (GS). Please consult the coaching staff when considering participation in speed events or training.

U12 and U14 athletes generally compete in the same series of regular season races in Western Massachusetts against peers from other mountains. While some of these events are here on our home turf, parents should expect to take their children to other mountains for a number of races.

Families are responsible for registering their athletes for competitions.

Athletes have the opportunity to qualify for post-season events to represent the Berkshire East Ski Team and Tri-state at Eastern Regional and National Championships. More information about these events and the qualification methods is available on the Tri-state website and on the USSA Eastern Regional website.


The appropriate membership(s) need not be purchased before registering for the Berkshire East Program, but they must be purchased before participating in sanctioned events.

When registering with USSA, the athlete must designate Berkshire East Ski Team (BEST) as their program. Tri-state Membership will be processed automatically as a part of the USSA registration process.

  • AGE

    U12: 10 as of December 31 at the beginning of the winter in question.
    U14: 13 as of December 31 at the beginning of the winter in question.


    Must be a competent skier on all terrain levels


    USSA and Tri-State


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As of September 1st

As of October 1st

As of November 1st




*Lift passes are not included in the program fee.



    A conditionally refundable deposit of $100 per family is required. If a family supports Berkshire East hosted events at least three times during the season, the deposit is refundable. This support may take the form of gatekeeping, back-up timing, writing times on the scoreboard, registration support, etc. Berkshire East typically offers incentives to parents who volunteer, such as lift ticket vouchers, mountain coaster tokens, etc.


    Parents Association: All U12 & U14 parents are required to join the Parents Association, whose mission is to support the events and activities of the Berkshire East Ski Team in ways agreed upon with the director of the racing program. Active involvement among the parents helps build a strong culture within our community. The participation of parents provides families the opportunity to gain knowledge about our sport and helps parents understand how best to support their child’s ski racing activity.



This program is designed for kids who, as they mature physically and mentally, have an interest in continuing to develop their skills and competing through their high school years, and sometimes into their college years. While there is an emphasis on course tactics and gates, fundamental technique remains the primary focus. Training includes freeskiing in variable snow conditions on mixed terrain, drills to isolate and improve specific skills, and SL and GS gates. Physical conditioning and mental training also become increasingly important factors to achieve competitive success.


Some USSA or High School race experience before, either as younger members of the Berkshire East Ski Team or as members of another program at another mountain. 


Training for this program is primarily on weekends, typically beginning approximately mid-December. During the week between Christmas and New Year’s, we typically offer additional training opportunities to team members. We also typically offer additional training opportunities during the Massachusetts public school holiday period in February.

A typical training day begins at 8:30am. Athletes are expected to help coaches set up and take down courses (only as directed). Athletes are also expected to perform routine stretching and warm-up activities before running a course. Practice usually wraps up at 3:00pm.

Athletes and coaches work together to develop mutual trust and respect. Athletes are expected to ask questions when they don’t understand or need clarification. Athletes are expected to keep coaches informed of any issues that may impact training or racing performance (e.g. homework, injury, lack of sleep, appointments and other obligations, etc.). It is the combined responsibility of coaches and athletes to make the most of each day out on the hill.

Training does not necessarily imply gates

Training activity may involve gates, fitness, video review, focused freeskiing, drills, powder skiing, glades, etc., at the discretion of the coaches.


Most athletes in this program compete in regular season USSA races in the Tri-state region. Most of these races are Slalom (SL) or Giant Slalom (GS). Please consult the coaching staff when considering participation in Super G (SG) or Downhill (DH) events or training.

U19+ athletes will generally compete in the U19+ series races in Tri-state during the regular season. There may be a few races outside of Tri-state. These should be selected in collaboration with the coaches.

U16 athletes will generally compete in the U16 series races in Tri-state during the regular season. There may be some U19+ series races (open to U16s) which the coaches recommend. There may be a few races outside of Tri-state. These should be selected in collaboration with the coaches.

Families are responsible for registering their athletes for competitions.

When possible and appropriate, Berkshire East will support athlete participation in FIS events. Berkshire East has a long history of producing elite-level ski racers, and our program is designed to make such ski racing career paths possible.

Athletes have the opportunity to qualify for post-season events to represent the Berkshire East Ski Team and Tri-state at Eastern Regional and National Championships. More information about these events and the qualification methods is available on the Tri-state website and on the USSA Eastern Regional website.


USSA and Tri-State: The appropriate membership(s) need not be purchased before registering for the Berkshire East Program, but they must be purchased before participating in sanctioned events.

When registering with USSA, the athlete must designate Berkshire East Ski Team (BEST) as their program. Tri-state Membership will be processed automatically as a part of the USSA registration process.

  • AGE

    Minimum of 14 as of December 31 in the year of question.


    Some USSA or High School race experience


    USSA (U.S. Ski & Snowboard), TSASRA
    FIS (International Ski Federation) may be required on an individual by individual basis


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As of September 1st

As of October 1st

As of November 1st




*Lift passes are not included in the program fee.



    A conditionally refundable deposit of $100 per family is required. If a family supports Berkshire East hosted events at least three times during the season, the deposit is refundable. This support may take the form of gatekeeping, back-up timing, writing times on the scoreboard, registration support, etc. Berkshire East typically offers incentives to parents who volunteer, such as lift ticket vouchers, mountain coaster tokens, etc.


    All U16 & U19+ parents are required to join the Parents Association, whose mission is to support the events and activities of the Berkshire East Ski Team in ways agreed upon with the director of the racing program. Active involvement among the parents helps build a strong culture within our community. The participation of veteran parents provides newer families the opportunity to gain knowledge about our sport, and it helps them learn how best to support their child’s ski racing activity.



This program is designed for athletes that ski in the local PVIAC high school league but aren’t interested in pursuing the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association track in their racing careers. This program will offer all of the training amenities that our other training groups have, but with less time commitment and no traveling to weekend races. While there is an emphasis on course tactics and gates, fundamental technique remains the primary focus. Training includes freeskiing in variable snow conditions on mixed terrain, drills to isolate and improve specific skills, and SL and GS gates.

This group will offer training one day per weekend, typically Saturdays, as well as time over the school breaks. The program will be offered from the Saturday prior to Christmas and run for 11 weeks. Training will run from 9:00am–2:30pm, with a break for lunch around 11:30am. In addition to on-snow coaching, athletes will have access to video review, as well as instruction about tuning skis.

Training does not necessarily imply gates

Training activity may involve gates, fitness, video review, focused freeskiing, drills, powder skiing, glades, etc., at the discretion of the coaches.


This is a training-only group to supplement the training that an athlete does with their school, so there is no race support in this group. Note: In the interest of providing safe, fun, and productive experiences, all training and racing activity is subject to cooperative weather and snow conditions.

  • AGE

    High School


    Member of your High School ski team




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As of September 1st

As of October 1st

As of November 1st




*Lift passes are not included in the program fee.




This program is designed for young skiers who may not be interested in pursuing the racing component of the sport, but want to continue to develop their skiing skills and fundamentals utilizing the entire mountain. This group will be skiing all over the mountain and develop their skills in bumps, jumps, steeps, trees, varying terrain and whatever other adventures that we can find at Berkshire East! Kids who have aged out of DEVO but still want to maintain a team environment, ski with consistent coaches and athletes and create great new friendships will have a great time with this group!

Age:  12-16. We would consider including younger athletes, but that will have to be through the coaches discretion to make sure that it is a suitable fit for the skiing level of the group.

Experience:  Previous experience with the DEVO group would give us a better idea of each athletes skiing level.  Athletes should be able to competently ski the whole mountain including being comfortable in bumps, trees and any conditions that Berkshire East can throw at us!

Memberships:  None required

Competition: No planned competition

Training: The All Mountain Training Team will meet on Saturdays beginning in mid-December and continuing for a 10 week period. The training sessions will run from 9:30-2:30 with a break for lunch at 11:30. Please check back for official starting dates.

Note:  In the interest in providing safe, fun and productive experiences, all training and racing activity is subject to cooperative weather and snow conditions.

  • AGE



    Athletes should be able to competently ski the whole mountain including being comfortable in bumps, trees and any conditions that Berkshire East can throw at us!


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As of September 1st

As of October 1st

As of November 1st




*Lift passes are not included in the program fee.


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The Resort


Berkshire East Mountain Resort is the four season adventure destination in New England. Located in the beautiful Berkshires of Western Massachusetts, Berkshire East is worth the drive from anywhere for unforgettable experiences for the whole family!
Berkshire East features excellent skiing and snowboarding terrain in the winter and top rated summer activities including whitewater rafting and downhill mountain biking. Plan your trip today!

Trail ratings indicate the relative difficulty of the runs within Berkshire East and are not meant to be used for comparison between ski areas.















    1,840 ft (561 m)


    1,180 ft (360 m)


    180 Acres


    110 in (279 cm)






    6,200 per hour


    2 Quad Chairs, 2 Surface Lifts, 1 Double Chair, 1 Triple Chair


    13,200 ft


Powered by a 500 kWh solar facility and a 900 kWh wind turbine, Berkshire East is the first ski area in the world to generate 100% of our power from on-site renewable energy. We are very aware of our place on the planet and are proud of these two impactful installations, just as we are proud to be a leader in responsible ski area development.

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  • From Boston

    Approximately 2.5 hours. Take Route 2 West. Merge onto I-91 South. Take the first exit (26) to get back onto Route 2 West. At the traffic circle, take the second exit onto Route 2 West. From there, you'll see signs directing you to Berkshire East. Follow Route 2 for 17 miles to Charlemont. After passing through the center of town, take a left following the signs for Route 8A South. You will cross a bridge. At the T intersection, take a left, and Berkshire East will be on your right. Park in the Main Parking Lot.

  • From New York City

    Approximately 3.5 Hours (Google Maps says 3 hours 21 minutes to Times Square). Take I-95 North to I-91 North (exit 48 is a left exit). Take exit 26 to get on Route 2 West. At the traffic circle, take the second exit onto Route 2 West. From there, you'll see signs directing you to Berkshire East. Follow Route 2 for 17 miles to Charlemont. After passing through the center of town, take a left following the signs for Route 8A South. You will cross a bridge. At the T intersection, take a left, and Berkshire East will be on your right. Park in the Main Parking Lot.

  • From Albany

    Approximately 1.5 hours. Take Route 2 East. Take a right at Route 8A South. You will cross a bridge. At the T intersection, take a left, and Berkshire East will be on your right. Park in the Main Parking Lot.

  • From Points North

    Take I-91 South to exit 26. At the traffic circle, take the first exit onto Route 2 West. From there, you'll see signs directing you to Berkshire East. Follow Route 2 for 17 miles to Charlemont. After passing through the center of town, take a left following the signs for Route 8A South. You will cross a bridge. At the T intersection, take a left, and Berkshire East will be on your right. Park in the Main Parking Lot.


Read more …The Resort

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